Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Escape Room Time

Escape Room Activity
by Leah and Piper

It was "escape room" time in Mrs. Randall's fourth grade classroom at the end of October. We the kids used our prior knowledge about the three branches of the government: the Legislative, the Judicial, and the Executive branches. We had to solve five series of tricky puzzles to escape the room. Including clue #1, clue #2, clue #3, and clue #4. We had to find the different information we got from each clue.  For clue #4 we put all of our information together. After that, we had successfully escaped our escape room. The goal was to find the president. We got to separate into groups of four and work together as teammates. This was a fantastic activity and was so exciting! The theme of just escaping really kept us working and motivated. It was like a real escape room! We are so thankful that our teachers could spare their time to pull together this enthralling event. We got put with five clues and one hour to solve our puzzles, but some groups didn't fully finish. We are so glad that our amazing, awesome, smart, cool, and epic teachers gave us time to finish during our indoor recess. It was an awesome idea and a fun way to keep us kids on our feet.